Thursday, September 07, 2006

Telstra and strategy

What a case study... start with a huge public service monopoly (the Post Master General or PMG) and split it into 2: Australia Post and Telecom (roughly 1976 or so?). Start cutting staff... reorganise... reshuffle .... sell excess property... trim it down and increase the potential for a high ROI. Rebrand the sexy IT bit - Telecom - as Telstra and sell it off to investors large and small. OK, the first tranche went well, so sell off some more at a higher price. Now smart investors new that threats like DSL and VoIP were already here but that didn't stop the less informed paying that over-the-top price. Oooops. Since then it's been going down... lots of competition, share price falling... so bring in a US exec with a proven record and... well it's been quite a ride. Here's a Forbes interview with Sol Trujillo for that US perspective. Then get busy writing that essay!

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